Why Should ENERJOY Radiant Panels Heat Your Entire Building
Because ENERJOY RADIANT PEOPLEHEATERS® meet your needs: Individual comfort; non-allergenic heat delivery; life-of-building longevity; maintenance free operation; low initial and life cycle cost. In fact, the U.S. Department of Energy-sponsored ENERJOY Case Study found a 52% annual savings over electric baseboard and a 33% annual energy savings over the heat pump, and concluded “..that energy savings would be obtainable in a great portion of U.S. households. ”TREAT
YOUR HEAT LIKE YOUR LIGHTS", pay for heat for comfort when, where, and as needed.
Cathedrals, Split levels
ENERJOY Radiant Heatmodules® warm floors, eliminating the cool draftiness associated with split level construction. Safe, infrared radiant energy travels through the air with the speed of light warming objects (including the floor) in its path, unlike convection (ie.: forced air and baseboard) systems with which the hot air rises to the ceiling or up the stairs, as cooler, denser air replaces it, often making the floor area drafty and cooler.
Bathrooms, Jacuzzis
Enjoy warm floors, fog-free mirrors and full use of wall and floor space with quiet, sunlike radiant warmth – for only 8¢ an hour! Eliminate the noisy, drafty fancoil ceiling or wall heaters. Save $2.00 - $4.00 per hour on cold winter days when you want a comfortably heated bathroom, rather than overheating the entire house with a central furnace. A single 400 watt ENERJOY 24RP-4 Heatmodule will provide all the warmth and comfort needed to heat a typical 5'x7' or 6'x9' bathroom (small den or office). Retrofit installations are usually as easy as replacing the ceiling light with an ENERJOY Peopleheater, and the light switch with an ENERJOY thermostat!
For complete comfort control of your bathroom, ask about the Heritage Bathroom Center®, a combination unit that has an exhaust fan, light and nightlight centered within an ENERJOY Heatmodule. Attractive for new and retrofit construction, and eliminates costly ceiling trim work. The Heritage Package includes the ENERJOY thermostat and a 3-way Decora wall switch. |
Sunrooms, Atriums, and Greenhouses
Eliminate drafts, as glass is opaque to long-wave radiant heat. ENERJOY radiance is reflected and reradiated back into the room. This naturally occurring “greenhouse” effect provides year around comfort and protects plants at night and when the sun is absent by maintaining root temperatures, a benefit not possible with convection systems.

Mother-In-Law Suites
Grandmother and Grandfather can now enjoy personal comfort economically, without overheating the entire house. The 6°F-8°F radiant advantage of ENERJOY task heating gives elderly people the warmth they need. Safe, healthy, non-drying, silent and dust-free, ENERJOY Peopleheaters are the individual comfort solution.
Nurseries, Examining Rooms, Allergy Relief, and Convalescent Areas
No more waking up in the middle of the night to cover the baby. ENERJOY Peopleheaters keep
baby warm and cozy from head to toe. And when you use ENERJOY as your only heat, you eliminate germ-laden convection dust, drafts, odors, and dry winter air requiring humidification. Allergists prescribe ENERJOY for relief from dust, pollen, germs, and dryness. The cost may be deductible as a medical expense.
Bathroom, Attic, Barn, Garage, and Additions
Eliminate costly and inefficient heating ducts, wall fan heaters and baseboards: gain full use of all floor and wall space. Comfort when and where you need it! ENERJOY Solves Problems.
No ductwork, no maintenance, zone controlled, easy to install. Turn heat up when you want to use, down or off when not in use. Flush mount ceiling panels or use T-bar grid model for dropped ceilings. Save on heating bills and have comfort when you want it.
Eliminate Kickspace and Wall Heaters
Install 75% less wattage and save 50%-70% on annual energy costs while gaining full, safe use of all floor space. Electric, gas and oil wall heaters are the least efficient way to provide heat, comfort and peace of mind. ENERJOY heat panels are out of harms way on the ceiling. Save money by diverting existing wiring for replacement Peopleheaters and thermostat.
Darkrooms, Studios and Workshops
ENERJOY radiant heat keeps materials and equipment ready for use, safe from freezing and at the appropriate temperature selected within the 40°F-85°F range, accurately maintained by the TSSHC-2 ENERJOY thermostat. Oversize panels by 25%-50% for fast recovery when setback is increased from the normal residential 5°-8°F to 10°-25°F (55°-40°F). Ceiling mounting allows radiant energy to flood an area creating an entirely useable and productive space.
Post and Beam, Log Buildings
ENERJOY maintains building mass temperature so important to high mass wood building comfort. Safe, ductless, ENERJOY Peopleheaters are easily mounted between the purlins or beams (custom sizes available) directly to the bottom of the floor or roof above. Collectable shelves located at the junction of the wall and the cathedral ceiling can serve as the mounting surface for perimeter panels abutted end to end under the shelf parallel to and approximately eight feet above the floor. Wiring is normally concealed. End mounted, shallow depth junction boxes are normally used (specify RPD model). Building integrity is maintained, and dust free, non-drying ENERJOY radiance assures that wood will stay clean and maintain moisture content consistent with occupancy.
Extend the Use of Screened in Porches, Decks, Gazebos, etc…
Use of higher watt density ENERJOY I Peopleheaters can extend the season in special areas. Normally, greatest comfort benefit occurs in windless, draft-free applications where the ambient temperature is 60°F or above. However, ENERJOYhas also been used to provide some relief to birdwatchers, hockey players, smokers, and diners, etc.
Heating For Animals in Cages, Zoos, Houses
Animals around the world have lived by radiant heat from the sun as their sole source of warmth in many areas. ENERJOY is used in zoos nationwide, as well as many barns, stables, dog house, etc…. The advantages are warming of objects (including the sleeping floor) without creating dust or distributing germs, allergens, or other troublesome air borne materials.
Supplement or Replace Failed Radiant Floors/Ceiling Cable Systems
Save 15%-30% due to reduced installed wattage and rapid warm-up of ENERJOY Heatmodules. Installed wattage reduction of 30%-40% safely allows diversion of existing power to ENERJOY Heatmodules. Install an accurate, state-of-the-art radiant sensing thermostat.
Replace Old, Inaccurate Bimetal Thermostats
Always install new, accurate ENERJOY thermostats with ENERJOY Heaters. Older electric heat thermostats generally are calibrated based upon maximum load: the temperature cycle range is uncomfortable and wastes energy because occupants choose a higher set point in their quest for comfort. ENERJOY thermostats include bi-metal, hydraulic and air diaphragm mechanical models, electronic digital push button programmable proportional, and switch or knob controlled with indicator light, and automatic setback and tamperproof thermostats are available.
The low amperage requirements for ENERJOY PEOPLEHEATERS® can usually be provided by existing 120 or 240 Volt circuits. The 30%-70% wattage reduction over convection electric heating eliminates the need for dedicated wiring. Wherever a single ENERJOY Heatmodule is specified, existing 120-Volt capacity circuit is usually adequate for the additional load.
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